Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I caught up on all my lost sleep last night. Got to bed before 9pm and got a good nine and a half hours of kip in. Even managed to sleep through my son vomiting twice, which was nice. I gingerly took him to preschool this morning, half expecting the phone call mid morning. "Come and pick up your sick kid". But not a word from them. However, the school does not have my new cell number. That could be of significance I suppose.

It's a sad day at the Barber household. The time has come. An era is over. It is the end. Yes, the end of "Bar Barber".

Yup, the best pub in the world is closing down today. The bar is being removed from my garage and is to be picked up by the rubbish man in the morning (for Fridays are rubbish day on my street, except if there has been a holiday that week. Then rubbish day is
a Saturday). The main reason for it's disposal is because one
of it's wheels fell off and, as you can see, is now propped up by concrete slabs. Reminiscent of a car outside Anfield Park just before half time.

I am trying to think of an alternate solution for my lack of a bar. I might just start drinking in the street, to the delight of the young kids in my neighbourhood.

Took a stress test with echocardiogram at the doctor's office yesterday. Everything looked OK - ticker still ticking. I was a little gutted that I only lasted 11 minutes on the treadmill though. Two years ago I did 13 minutes and that was only 5 months after all my problems. I reckon the nurse ramped up the speed on me a little prematurely. Least, that's my reasoning. And I am sticking to it, so there.

Watched Superman Returns on DVD yesterday (it gets played daily in my house). Did you know that Sir Richard Branson has a cameo in it? Well he does. I am not going to tell you where - you will have to watch the movie to find out. Correction: you will have to watch it one hundred times to find out, because you will miss it at first. Or you could Google it I suppose.

And finally: Vitamin E enema. Should I or shouldn't I?

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