Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon. If only. . . .

Another hot day today. Planted the rose bush I snaffled yesterday from my father-in-law's house in to our front garden. Wore a hat and sun cream, so my neck should be no redder than it was yesterday.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this "memorial" rose bush will take hold and not die on me. Else my wife will be ever so upset. If there is one thing I lack, it's green fingers. I've successfully killed a large number of plants in my time. Though never a rose bush. It seems that despite one's best effort, you can hack them to bits and they still recover. Tough little buggers. Stay tuned for rose bush updates in the coming days and weeks.

Kids napping now. Should I take a nap too? Or should finally get around to reading up on the Google Data API's? Decisions, decisions.

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