Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Another week beginneth

I suppose to most people, a Monday morning means rushing to get out the door for their commute to work. Well, not me.

Got up at the normal time: 7:15 am. But it would appear I didn't get enough sleep as I knocked out again, around 11:30 am. Unfortunately, I was at the Nu-Way Car Wash at the time, getting my father-in-law's car spruced up, ready to sell. The poor guy was stood there waving his cloth at everyone in the waiting area, with no-one responding. Until I decided to wake up. I added an extra dollar to the tip for the inconvenience I caused.

Could have been worse I suppose. The guy next to me could have got up and driven off in it. That said though, who would want to nick a Pontiac Grand Am?

Hung some pictures and took Evan to swim class. Madeline knocked out two teeth on the bleachers. (I just threw that in in the event my wife is reading this - it didn't really happen).

Mistake of the day: "It's not Reeves, it's Reeve". In reference to the guy that played Superman. I'd have been alright, but we were talking about George, not Christopher. I'm quite certain my mate Bryan told everyone at the office and they then spent the rest of the working day laughing at me. And now they're all at home, laughing about me with their families. Not that I am paranoid or anything.

Alright, tonight I absolutely definitely will get my resume finished. It's almost two months since I lost my job and still have not posted anything on Monster or Dice.

For Sale: Superb deal!! 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE, only 67K miles. Guaranteed not to be stolen, ever.

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