Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday Night - Tecate Night

I do wonder why I embarked on the task of maintaining a blog, it is not like my days are full of empty voids that I struggle to fill. It is true that my initial intention was simply to have something I could utilize when experimenting with Google API's. But I have done that now, and I am certainly writing much more than is necessary to test out a couple of http GETs and POSTs.

I am starting to have flashbacks to my childhood - those Cub Scout diaries I used to get for Christmas every year. Meticulously, I would complete my daily activities ([actual entry], "Jaws was on the telly today") and vow to maintain such devotion until the following Christmas, when I would be the delighted recipient of a new Cub Scout Diary. But, year on year, by December 29th I was starting to get bored. Sporadic entries would appear throughout January. One entry would be made in February (lest I forget my birthday) and then nothing but blank pages for the remainder of the year (for I was not interested in remembering anyone else's birthdays). I am seeing a similar trend with my blog. It is my sincere goal to buck that trend. For comedy's sake, if nothing else.

Before continuing, I should point out that I have consumed copious amounts of Tecate lager this evening. This means today's post will be either:
  1. Full of grammatical and typographic errors or
  2. An exceptional piece of literature, embracing the use of words I have difficulty articulating when devoid of alcohol in my bloodstream (for example typographic and articulating).

My drinking habits this evening are a celebration of finishing a 15 day course of Flagyl - an anti bacterial medicine. It's a nasty little bugger, and prompts immediate vomiting on the consumption of alcohol. It's primary use is for treating bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract and the vagina. Oh no - could my pharmacist be thinking I have a vagina? That would explain the uncontrolled giggling behind the counter when I picked the medicine up.

I wont mention a request this week from Methodist Hospital for me to be the face of their new advertising campaign. I will not be charging for my services. They are a non-profit organization and I am very pleased to be able to help them out. This is just one of many charitable acts I perform for the hospital at my own expense. For example, being the key driver in their annual giving campaign. But my charitable efforts are a personal affair and I prefer not to talk about it.

Why is it so difficult to buy a green trash can on wheels? On rubbish day, my whole street is lined with green rubbish bins with wheels on them. Except at my house where there are 3 beaten up wheel-free bins that lose all their grass cuttings out a big hole if you pick them up the wrong way. Where do these green wheelie bins come from? Are they homemade? Home Depot do not carry them. Neither does Lowes or Smart & Final. Osh is my next on my list. I will be going there tomorrow, so stand by for more updates on this matter.

Oh me, oh my. Look at the time. I am off to bed. But lastly - Harry Patch. Dead or alive? Yesterday alive, today dead. I suppose it's allowed at the age of 111. No one born during Queen Victoria's reign needs to be knocking around in 2009 do they? I hope I don't live to see my kids pop off when they're 80 years of age. What's fun about that? But read his book. I did and, amongst other things, it will give you an appreciation for having an inside toilet with a flush button.

PS. I have just left a message on the pharmacist's answering machine, advising them that I do not have a vagina. I wont regret doing that in the morning will I?

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