Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Found a good job that I applied for yesterday. A C# gig, heavy on the WPF and XAML. Even better, it's in Arcadia - the next town over. And, I should mention, a stone's throw from Methodist Hospital (because you never know when you need one, right?). No nasty commute into downtown or to the Googleplex in Santa Monica. Superb.

I've done a bit of WPF before but need to read more about it. I'll buy a book if I get a call back. Ideally, I would borrow one for free from my local library but that place is bloody rubbish. The best they have is a book on Pascal. With most of the pages missing.

Shall I have a rant about Measure L? OK, I will. That's the local tax we all voted to pay so we could have a big new library built. The city knocked the old library down, spent two years building a new one and then stuffed the same old rotten pre-1985 books back in there. What's that all about then? The Mayor is in bed with the boss at the construction company. That's what. And now I am paying a 30 year tax to get access to the same [useless] resources that I used to have access to for free. The city finished the construction about a half million bucks under budget. So what are they doing with the money? Crediting the 2010 property tax bills by a whopping eighteen dollars!! Keep the $18.00 and buy some bloody books instead.

Spent a couple of wet and soapy hours with a black stripper today. In my house, with my wife hanging around. How cool is that? Even better, it was my wife's idea and after weeks of procrastinating I finally got my act together. I got really bored after about 20 minutes. And there is still so much wallpaper remaining. I'll be at it for weeks.

Lacking US citizenship, I was denied the privilege of voting for my candidate of preference in the recent presidential election. Not that my vote was needed - he won anyway. I explained as much to Mr Obama in my invite for him to join my LinkedIn network. Can you believe it? He knocked me back. Declined. Not interested. How rude. He seems to be unaware that he's not going to be President for ever and the time will come when he needs to rely on a network of contacts to help him with his next career move. Build bridges mate. Don't burn them.

Rosebush Status: No activity.

I created a new problem for ourselves today. We taught our son how to undo the straps on his vehicular child restraint system (car seat). Why would we do this? Because we locked the keys in the car while he was restrained inside. And it was 95F outside. It was a race against time. Ileana had already called AAA but I didn't want to pay for the service. Understandably, a call of this nature is of the highest priority to them, so I knew time was limited. But Evan is a star. Receiving my shouted instructions through the glass, he had managed to get out of his car seat and unlock the door for us inside ten minutes. AAA showed up momentarily afterwards, but it was too late. They blew it, and I saved a few hundred dollars. Maybe I'll put the cash in my kid's college accounts instead.


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