Or T-BON for short. The acronym will catch on.

Monday, July 20, 2009


The 40th anniversary of the first moon landing.

I have nothing to report today except that I have been glued - literally glued - to WeChooseTheMoon.com (a "live" feed of the actual Apollo 11 mission + 40 years). Ahh, the benefits of being unemployed. I wonder if any skeptics registered WeChooseTheMoonAllegedly.com?

The exciting moment is over now, but I am going straight back to listen and see if there is anything else interesting going on. Like Buzz crying that he was the 2nd man out and how his dad is so angry with himself for turning out such a disappointing son.

Never mind Buzz, I'm sure daddy is looking down on you today, so proud to see you teaming up with Snoop Dogg.

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